Our activities go beyond the exclusive management of the vehicle. We offer investors our expertise in Risk Management and Compliance and we draw on the advice of the best service providers in the sector, with whom we establish real partnerships, offering rapid responses and solutions tailored the individual needs of institutional investors. Working with Fondaco also means having the opportunity to share experiences with similar organisations through constructive comparison, in which Fondaco plays the sole role of trait d’union. The everyday management activities are supervised by three Conducting Persons with decades of experience in banking and finance, supported by operational staff with experience in the largest product houses on the market.

All our services are provided in-house.

Our vehicles are customised and structured around the needs of our investors in full compliance with CSSF regulations and guidelines. We accompany investors in the choice of the most suitable vehicle, listening to their needs and building the most suitable structure to meet those needs. Fondaco handles the whole pre- and post-authorisation phase with the oversight body, both with regard to the vehicle and to the authorisations of the various service providers, streamlining the process for the investor. The consolidated relationship with the oversight body, together with constant comparison, allows very fast authorisation times for any type of vehicle.

The management of alternative investments has always been a core activity of the Fondaco Group and particularly of Fondaco Lux, which boasts skills, structures and processes that enable it to better manage its 13 dedicated and customised vehicles for over four billion in assets under management.

Within the scope of the various private market strategies, primarily private equity, venture capital and private debt investments, our teams are able to offer solutions for optimal integrated portfolio management, from the study and creation of the best investment vehicle (fcp, sicav) for the implementation of the various strategies, to due diligence activities (investment, risk management, operational and legal) and the constant monitoring of the portfolio. These are all activities that enable the effective management of investments, reduction of  implicit costs and mitigation of reputation and operational risks.

Fondaco sees risk management as the heart of the investment process. Our risk managers are investment people with a strategic vision aimed at qualitatively interpreting the results of the mathematical/statistical models used, enabling investors to achieve their long-term goals. Constant, targeted reporting allows investors to keep an eye on their portfolios at all times.

Our legal and compliance services are performed in-house, ensuring full control and constant monitoring of regulations and a direct relationship with the oversight body. The fact that our team has over a decade of experience in vehicle structuring and in international regulations means that we are able to set up the vehicle and adapt it over time in full compliance with the legislation in force in Luxembourg and Italy.