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Fondaco Multi-Asset Income is the result of a solid and structured investment process, combined with the selection of the finest specialised managers, effective risk management and the integration of social and environmental responsibility principles.
The fund exploits the opportunities offered by traditional asset classes through flexible exposure to equity, bond and currency markets and strict risk and cost control actions.
A single, simple, fluid and transparent instrument that incorporates a series of complex activities: from asset allocation to manager selection, from portfolio construction to dynamic portfolio management and a careful dividend distribution policy.
There are three performance drivers: “beta” created through a top-down approach based on the analysis of macroeconomic scenarios, the added value (“alpha”) created by the specialised managers and by Fondaco’s activities, and currency exposure, which is typical of a diversified portfolio and helps control volatility.
Everything is entrusted to a heterogeneous and complementary investment team that covers all the different areas offered by Fondaco, with a dedicated and result-oriented structure, precise responsibilities and clear governance.
In the economic context, the trend of global growth strengthening, highlighted in recent weeks, continued. The optimism driven by the data, with US economic growth at 3% in the third quarter and estimated at 1-2% for the current quarter, was further boosted by the exuberance surrounding the outcome of the US elections.
During the month, all asset classes contributed positively.
Operationally, the portfolio remains broadly diversified, favouring fixed-income exposure over equity exposure.
We confirm the underlying strategic outlook from a medium-term perspective, with a preference for bonds over equities, especially after the recent market movement.
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